Does Health Really Matter If You’re Fit?

Surprisingly, if you’re anything like me, you really don’t know. Why not? Well, it’s likely because we get so caught up in trying to build the perfect body, we forget to measure our health. “So in truth, in the process of building a better body, we regrettably may forget all about our health.” In other […]

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Unsafe medicine to avoid during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a complicated time: the impending joy of having a child is marred by several complications. Pregnant women are especially susceptible to heachaches, stomach problems, back pain, and so on. However, care must be taken that you do not blindly consume over the counter (OTC) medication based on the word of the pharmacist. While […]

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Alcohol addiction detox tips

Alcohol addiction rehab advices and some UK rehab centres ideas? Benzodiazepines (tranquilizers) are the main treatment for symptoms of withdrawal, like the shakes, and are also key to preventing and treating delirium tremens (DTs). 2? You may be given beta-blockers to reduce your heart rate and anti-seizure medications in case you do go into the […]

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Kamagra online store Germany

Kamagra is supposed to contain the same active ingredient as Viagra – sildenafil citrate. The ED treatment sildenafil (which is simply the generic (unbranded), and therefore cheaper, version of Viagra) also contains sildenafil citrate, and works in the same way as Viagra. Kamagra safe shopping Germany! Super Kamagra has contraindications. Don’t take it if you […]

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